Bug Fixes for Programming Game AI by Example


Simple Soccer

There is a minor bug in SoccerPitch::GetRegionFromIndex(). In debug mode it will assert incorrectly for a value of 0 (which is a valid region). here's the change:

assert ( (idx > 0) && (idx < m_Regions.size()) );


should be replaced with


assert ( (idx >= 0) && (idx < m_Regions.size()) );


Regarding Luabind and Boost 1.32.0

In Boost 1.32.0 the apply_if metafuction has been renamed to eval_if. This causes errors when trying to compile using the current Luabind release.


Page 183

The SoccerTeam::CanShoot method determines the shot target using x values instead of y values. This is an artifact from when I had the pitch oriented differently (originally it ran vertically instead of horizontally), and is obviously something my not-so-eagle eyes missed when updating the code.

The following snippet shows the changes in green

//the y value of the shot position should lay somewhere between two

//goalposts (taking into consideration the ball diameter)

int MinYVal = OpponentsGoal()->LeftPost().y + Pitch()->Ball()->BRadius();

int MaxYVal = OpponentsGoal()->RightPost().y - Pitch()->Ball()->BRadius();

ShotTarget.y = (double)RandInt(MinYVal, MaxYVal);


The updated source and/or executable can be downloaded from the Wordware website (URL given in book, page xxi). You'll find a lot more goals get scored now!



The SparseGraph::isNodePresent method has a bug since the value of nd must be assured to be valid before the test can be made for a valid index. Substitute the line below shown in red for the one show in green

template <class node_type, class edge_type>

bool SparseGraph<node_type, edge_type>::isNodePresent(int nd)const


  if ( (m_Nodes[nd].Index() == invalid_node_index) || (nd >= m_Nodes.size()))


    return false;



  else return true;



 Like this:


template <class node_type, class edge_type>

bool SparseGraph<node_type, edge_type>::isNodePresent(int nd)const


  if ( (nd >= m_Nodes.size()) || (m_Nodes[nd].Index() == invalid_node_index))


    return false;



  else return true;







Please contact me if you have found a bug!



