Errata for Programming Game AI by Example


Page 22

The line halfway down the page:

 "Another way of putting it is that Oa is the amount of thrust acting along the x-axis, and Ob is along the y-axis"

Should read:

 "Another way of putting it is that Oa is the amount of thrust acting along the y-axis, and Ob is along the x-axis"


Page 74

In the second source code snippet, the following line:

Telegram telegram(0, sender, receiver, msg, ExtraInfo);

should read:

Telegram telegram(delay, sender, receiver, msg, ExtraInfo);



Page 102

In the source code near the bottom:

double ip = A - SqrtPart;

should read

double ip = cX - SqrtPart;

and further down the page

ip = A + SqrtPart;

should read

ip = cX + SqrtPart;

These errors are only present in the book though. The downloadable source code is correct.


Page 274

In the NOTE near the top of the page,  lauxlib.lib should read lauxlib.h


Page 367

In the code listing at the top it says "creates an instance of the A* time-sliced search..." right above the RequestPathToItem function declaration and "creates an instance of the Dijkstra's time-sliced search..." above the RequestPathToTarget declaration. These two comments should be swapped to be correct. This errata is also present in the source code (Raven_PathPlanner.h).


Page 368

just above the code listing of the PathManager class it says "Here is its definition" though the correct word is "declaration".






