The Singleton Design Pattern

Often it’s useful to guarantee that an object is only instantiated once and/or that it is globally accessible. For example, in game designs that have environments consisting of many different entity types — players, monsters, projectiles, plant pots, etc. — there is usually a “manager” object that handles the creation, deletion, and management of such objects. It is only necessary to have one instance of this object — a singleton — and it is convenient to make it globally accessible because many other objects will require access to it.

The singleton pattern ensures both these qualities. There are many ways of implementing a singleton (do a search at google and you’ll see what I mean). I prefer to use a static method, Instance, that returns a pointer to a static instance of the class. Here’s an example:

/* ------------------ MyClass.h -------------------- */




class MyClass




  // member data

  int m_iNum;


  //constructor is private



  //copy ctor and assignment should be private

  MyClass(const MyClass &);

  MyClass& operator=(const MyClass &);




  //strictly speaking the destructor of a singleton should be private but some

  //compilers have problems with this so I’ve left them as public in all the

  //examples in this article




  int GetVal()const{return m_iNum;}


  static MyClass* Instance();






/* -------------------- MyClass.cpp ------------------- */


//this must reside in the cpp file otherwise an instance will be created

//for every file in which the header is included

MyClass* MyClass::Instance()


  static MyClass instance;


  return &instance;



Member variables and methods can now be accessed via the Instance method like so:

int  num  =  MyClass::Instance()->GetVal();

 Because I’m lazy and don’t like writing out all that syntax each time I want to access a singleton, I usually #define something like this:

#define  MyCls  MyClass::Instance()

 Using this new syntax I can simply write:

int  num  =  MyCls->GetVal();

Much easier, don’t you think?


NOTE     If singletons are a new concept to you, and you decide to search the Internet for further information, you will discover they fuel many a good argument about the design of object-oriented software. Oh yes, programmers love to argue about this stuff, and nothing stokes a dispute better than the discussion of global variables or objects that masquerade as globals, such as singletons. My own stance on the matter is to use them wherever I think they provide a convenience and, in my opinion, do not compromise the design. I recommend you read the arguments for and against though, and come to your own conclusions. A good starting place is here: