The West World Project
As a practical example of how to create agents that utilize finite state machines, we are going to look at a game environment where agents inhabit an Old West-style gold mining town named West World. Initially there will only be one inhabitant — a gold miner named Miner Bob — but later his wife will also make an appearance. You will have to imagine the tumbleweeds, creakin’ mine props, and desert dust blowin’ in your eyes because West World is implemented as a simple text-based console application. Any state changes or output from state actions will be sent as text to the console window. I’m using this plaintext-only approach as it demonstrates clearly the mechanism of a finite state machine without adding the code clutter of a more complex environment.
There are four locations in West World: a goldmine, a bank where Bob can deposit any nuggets he finds, a saloon in which he can quench his thirst, and home-sweet-home where he can sleep the fatigue of the day away. Exactly where he goes, and what he does when he gets there, is determined by Bob’s current state. He will change states depending on variables like thirst, fatigue, and how much gold he has found hacking away down in the gold mine.
Before we delve into the source code, check out the following sample output from the WestWorld1 executable.
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the
gold mine with mah pockets full o'
sweet gold Miner Bob: Goin' to the bank.
Yes siree Miner Bob: Depositin’ gold. Total
savings now: 3 Miner Bob: Leavin' the bank Miner Bob: Walkin' to the gold
mine Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the
gold mine with mah pockets full o'
sweet gold Miner Bob: Boy, ah sure is
thusty! Walkin' to the saloon Miner Bob: That's mighty fine
sippin liquor Miner Bob: Leavin' the saloon,
feelin' good Miner Bob: Walkin' to the gold
mine Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the
gold mine with mah pockets full o'
sweet gold Miner Bob: Goin' to the bank.
Yes siree Miner Bob: Depositin' gold. Total
savings now: 4 Miner Bob: Leavin' the bank Miner Bob: Walkin' to the gold
mine Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the
gold mine with mah pockets full o'
sweet gold Miner Bob: Boy, ah sure is
thusty! Walkin' to the saloon Miner Bob: That's mighty fine
sippin' liquor Miner Bob: Leavin' the saloon,
feelin' good Miner Bob: Walkin' to the gold
mine Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the
gold mine with mah pockets full o'
sweet gold Miner Bob: Goin' to the bank.
Yes siree Miner Bob: Depositin' gold. Total
savings now: 5 Miner Bob: Woohoo! Rich enough
for now. Back home to mah li'l lady Miner Bob: Leavin' the bank Miner Bob: Walkin' home Miner Bob: ZZZZ... Miner Bob: ZZZZ... Miner Bob: ZZZZ... Miner Bob: ZZZZ... Miner Bob: What a God-darn fantastic nap! Time to find more gold |
In the output from the program, each time you see Miner Bob change location he is changing state. All the other events are the actions that take place within the states. We’ll examine each of Miner Bob’s potential states in just a moment, but for now, let me explain a little about the code structure of the demo.
(You can download the accompanying project files here (24k))
The BaseGameEntity Class
All inhabitants of West World are derived from the base class BaseGameEntity. This is a simple class with a private member for storing an ID number. It also specifies a pure virtual member function, Update, which must be implemented by all subclasses. Update is a function that gets called every update step and will be used by subclasses to update their state machine along with any other data that must be updated each time step.
The BaseGameEntity class declaration looks like this:
class BaseGameEntity { private:
//every entity has a unique identifying number int m_ID;
//this is the next valid ID. Each time a BaseGameEntity is instantiated //this value is updated static int m_iNextValidID;
//this is called within the constructor to make sure the ID is set //correctly. It verifies that the value passed to the method is greater //or equal to the next valid ID, before setting the ID and incrementing //the next valid ID void SetID(int val);
BaseGameEntity(int id) { SetID(id); }
virtual ~BaseGameEntity(){}
//all entities must implement an update function virtual void Update()=0;
int ID()const{return m_ID;} }; |
For reasons that will become obvious later [in the book], it’s very important for each entity in your game to have a unique identifier. Therefore, on instantiation, the ID passed to the constructor is tested in the SetID method to make sure it’s unique. If it is not, the program will exit with an assertion failure. In the example given, the entities will use an enumerated value as their unique identifier. These can be found in the file EntityNames.h as ent_Miner_Bob and ent_Elsa.
The Miner Class
The Miner class is derived from the BaseGameEntity class and contains data members representing the various attributes a Miner possesses, such as its health, its level of fatigue, its position, and so forth. Like the troll example shown earlier, a Miner owns a pointer to an instance of a State class in addition to a method for changing what State that pointer points to.
class Miner : public BaseGameEntity { private:
//a pointer to an instance of a State State* m_pCurrentState;
// the place where the miner is currently situated location_type m_Location;
//how many nuggets the miner has in his pockets int m_iGoldCarried;
//how much money the miner has deposited in the bank int m_iMoneyInBank;
//the higher the value, the thirstier the miner int m_iThirst;
//the higher the value, the more tired the miner int m_iFatigue;
Miner(int ID);
//this must be implemented void Update();
//this method changes the current state to the new state void ChangeState(State* pNewState);
/* bulk of interface omitted */ }; |
The Miner::Update method is straightforward; it simply increments the m_iThirst value before calling the Execute method of the current state. It looks like this:
void Miner::Update() { m_iThirst += 1;
if (m_pCurrentState) { m_pCurrentState->Execute(this); } } |
Now that you’ve seen how the Miner class operates, let’s take a look at each of the states a miner can find itself in.
The Miner States
The gold miner will be able to enter one of four states. Here are the names of those states followed by a description of the actions and state transitions that occur within those states:
Sometimes it’s hard to follow the flow of the state logic from reading a text description like this, so it’s often helpful to pick up pen and paper and draw a state transition diagram for your game agents. Figure 2.2 shows the state transition diagram for the gold miner. The bubbles represent the individual states and the lines between them the available transitions.
A diagram like this is better on the eyes and can make it much easier to spot any errors in the logic flow.
Figure 2.2. Miner Bob’s state transition diagram
The State Design Pattern Revisited
You saw a brief description of this design pattern earlier, but it won’t hurt to recap. Each of a game agent’s states is implemented as a unique class and each agent holds a pointer to an instance of its current state. An agent also implements a ChangeState member function that can be called to facilitate the switching of states whenever a state transition is required. The logic for determining any state transitions is contained within each State class. All state classes are derived from an abstract base class, thereby defining a common interface. So far so good. You know this much already.
Earlier it
was mentioned that it’s usually favorable for each state to have associated Enter and Exit actions. This permits the programmer to write logic
that is only executed once at state entry or exit and increases the flexibility
of an FSM a great deal. With these features in mind, let’s take a look at an
enhanced State base class.
class State { public:
virtual ~State(){}
//this will execute when the state is entered virtual void Enter(Miner*)=0;
//this is called by the miner’s update function each update-step virtual void Execute(Miner*)=0;
//this will execute when the state is exited virtual void Exit(Miner*)=0; } |
These additional methods are only called when a Miner changes state. When a state transition occurs, the Miner::ChangeState method first calls the Exit method of the current state, then it assigns the new state to the current state, and finishes by calling the Enter method of the new state (which is now the current state). I think code is clearer than words in this instance, so here’s the listing for the ChangeState method:
void Miner::ChangeState(State* pNewState) { //make sure both states are valid before attempting to //call their methods assert (m_pCurrentState && pNewState);
//call the exit method of the existing state m_pCurrentState->Exit(this);
//change state to the new state m_pCurrentState = pNewState;
//call the entry method of the new state m_pCurrentState->Enter(this); } |
Notice how a Miner passes the this pointer to each state, enabling the state to use the Miner interface to access any relevant data.
TIP: The state design pattern is also useful for structuring the main components of your game flow. For example, you could have a menu state, a save state, a paused state, an options state, a run state, etc. |
Each of the four possible states a Miner may access are derived from the State class, giving us these concrete classes: EnterMineAndDigForNugget, VisitBankAndDepositGold, GoHomeAndSleepTilRested, and QuenchThirst. The Miner::m_pCurrentState pointer is able to point to any of these states. When the Update method of Miner is called, it in turn calls the Execute method of the currently active state with the this pointer as a parameter. These class relationships may be easier to understand if you examine the simplified UML class diagram shown in Figure 2.3. (Click here for an introduction to UML class diagrams)
concrete state is implemented as a singleton object. This is to ensure that
there is only one instance of each state, which agents share (those of you
unsure of what a singleton is, please read this). Using singletons makes the design more efficient
because they remove the need to allocate and deallocate memory every time a
state change is made. This is particularly important if you have many agents
sharing a complex FSM and/or you are developing for a machine with limited
Figure 2.3. UML class diagram for Miner Bob’s state machine implementation
NOTE I prefer to use singletons for the states for the reasons I’ve already given, but there is one drawback. Because they are shared between clients, singleton states are unable to make use of their own local, agent-specific data. For instance, if an agent uses a state that when entered should move it to an arbitrary position, the position cannot be stored in the state itself (because the position may be different for each agent that is using the state). Instead, it would have to be stored somewhere externally and be accessed by the state via the agent’s interface. This is not really a problem if your states are accessing only one or two pieces of data, but if you find that the states you have designed are repeatedly accessing lots of external data, it’s probably worth considering disposing of the singleton design and writing a few lines of code to manage the allocation and deallocation of state memory. |
Okay, let’s see how everything fits together by
examining the complete code for one of the miner states.
In this state the miner should change location to be at the gold mine. Once at the gold mine he should dig for gold until his pockets are full, when he should change state to VisitBankAndDepositNugget.If the miner gets thirsty while digging he should change state to QuenchThirst.
concrete states simply implement the interface defined in the virtual base
class State, their declarations are very straightforward:
class EnterMineAndDigForNugget : public State { private:
/* copy ctor and assignment op omitted */
//this is a singleton static EnterMineAndDigForNugget* Instance();
virtual void Enter(Miner* pMiner);
virtual void Execute(Miner* pMiner);
virtual void Exit(Miner* pMiner); }; |
As you can see, it’s just a formality. Let’s take a look at each of the methods in turn.
The code for the Enter method of EnterMineAndDigForNugget is as follows:
void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Enter(Miner* pMiner) { //if the miner is not already located at the goldmine, he must //change location to the gold mine if (pMiner->Location() != goldmine) { cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Walkin' to the goldmine";
pMiner->ChangeLocation(goldmine); } } |
This method is called when a miner first enters the EnterMineAndDigForNugget state. It ensures that the gold miner is located at the gold mine. An agent stores its location as an enumerated type and the ChangeLocation method changes this value to switch locations.
The Execute method is a
little more complicated and contains logic that can change a miner’s state.
(Don’t forget that Execute is the method called each update step from Miner::Update.)
void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Execute(Miner* pMiner) { //the miner digs for gold until he is carrying in excess of MaxNuggets. //If he gets thirsty during his digging he stops work and //changes state to go to the saloon for a beer. pMiner->AddToGoldCarried(1);
//digging is hard work pMiner->IncreaseFatigue();
cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Pickin' up a nugget";
//if enough gold mined, go and put it in the bank if (pMiner->PocketsFull()) { pMiner->ChangeState(VisitBankAndDepositGold::Instance()); }
//if thirsty go and get a beer if (pMiner->Thirsty()) { pMiner->ChangeState(QuenchThirst::Instance()); } } |
Note here how the Miner::ChangeState method is called using QuenchThirst’s or VisitBankAndDepositGold’s Instance member, which provides a pointer to the unique instance of that class.
The Exit method of EnterMineAndDigForNugget outputs a
message telling us that the gold miner is leaving the mine.
void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Exit(Miner* pMiner) { cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Ah'm leavin' the goldmine with mah pockets full o' sweet gold"; } |
I hope an examination of the preceding three methods helps clear up any confusion you may have been experiencing and that you can now see how each state is able to modify the behavior of an agent or effect a transition into another state. You may find it useful at this stage to load up the WestWorld1 project into your IDE and scan the code. In particular, check out all the states in MinerOwnedStates.cpp and examine the Miner class to familiarize yourself with its member variables. Above all else, make sure you understand how the state design pattern works before you read any further. If you are a little unsure, please take the time to go over the previous text until you feel comfortable with the concept.
You have
seen how the use of the state design pattern provides a very flexible mechanism
for state-driven agents. It’s extremely easy to add additional states as and
when required. Indeed, should you so wish, you can switch an agent’s entire state
architecture for an alternative one. This can be useful if you have a very
complicated design that would be better organized as a collection of several
separate smaller state machines. For example, the state machine for a
first-person shooter (FPS) like Unreal 2 tends to be large and complex. When
designing the AI for a game of this sort you may find it preferable to think in
terms of several smaller state machines representing functionality like “defend
the flag” or “explore map,” which can be switched in and out when appropriate.
The state design pattern makes this easy to do.